Historic Tax Credits
Does your property qualify for
Historic Tax Credits?
The process for Historic Tax Credits starts with the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) through the National Park Service. It is not for the faint of heart and can be a slow process, but the tax credit value can be worth it and maintaining the historic integrity of our downtown is important. The SHPO is a great partner and can help guide you, so we recommend starting there. You may also find it beneficial to work with a consultant.
Start with the State Historic Preservation Office, run through the National Park Service.
Below is the contact information for our regional contact at SHPO. They can be a big help with your initial evaluation as to whether or not it seems feasible to move forward.
Reid Thomas
State Historic Preservation Office
252-830-6583 (office)
If you wish to work with a consultant, please see below for historic tax credit consultants who have worked in the area and have a proven track record with historic restoration projects:
Jennifer Harriss - worked on the Kramer Building on Elizabeth City's Main Street and with many property owners in Edenton.
Aesthetic, Etc.
Heather Slane - performed the historic survey of Elizabeth City's Industrial District and helped them acquire historic district status
HMW Preservation
Thomas A. Kasper - worked with the Grice-Fearing House Bed & Breakfast renovations
Kasper Mortgage Capital, LLC
(804) 285-3900
Upper-level Development
The NC Main Street Program, through Elizabeth City Downtown, Inc., offers free upper level design assistance with the architectural program at UNC Greensboro. If approved, they can help you determine the best layout and provide the design for the upstairs. They take into account the building, fire, and life/safety code requirements while maintaining the historic integrity and working with your needs. They prefer to assist with projects that have a high likelihood of implementation. They were instrumental in helping with the upper level design of the apartments above the former Fowler Building. If you are interested in applying for this program, please reach out to us at director@elizabethcitydowntown.com.
Façade Renovations for Business Properties
ECDI also has a small Façade Grant program that offers up to $1,000 matching/reimbursable grants for business property façade upgrades within the Central Business District. If you are interested in applying for this grant, please reach out to us at director@elizabethcitydowntown.com.